Be More

Be more than just “The leader”, be “Their leader”.

Be more than just “Good

” be “Excellent”.

Be more than just ” Fine” be “Great”.

Be more than just “A Spouse” be “A Companion”.

Be more than just “A Parent” be “A Buddy”.

Life will become easy for you the day you come to know that all you need to do is to ” be more”.

Being more in already existing responsibilities and everyday things.

We actually don’t know what we are capable of, unless we go that extra mile.

And finally,

Be more than just “you” be “Unique”.


The Interview

Nigeria Television Authority (NTA)

Goodday everyone, I’m Cynthia and you are welcome to yet another enlighten segment of the program“Our leaders”. Where we get to learn from and celebrate our own. Today, i have an exceptional personality here with me, who has expressed great character over the years in leadership and in service. Please without further ado, lets meet our guest for tonight.

Goodmorning ma’am, it’s really a pleasure having you . can we meet you?

The pleasure is all mine. Goodmorning, my name is Elizabeth, CEO of elan’sworld group, sales woman, writer , wife and a mother.

Interesting, so ma’am , can you tell us what “elan’sworld group” is about?

elan’sworldgroup is a diversify growing company centered on  life and business development. Designed to improve the quality of life and businesses by provision and implementation of effective resources which are carried out  through consulting, charity and the next generation initiative.

As a body we strive to help add value to the society and the world at large through the three aspects I listed earlier. I will take them one after the other. Firstly consulting, I will like to say knowledge covers everything about consulting, knowledge we know is key and power, but understanding how to use this key and demonstrating it’s power is gold mine. And having the right materials and not knowing how to implement them is  another problem. This is the more reason we caved out two systems, in which one is created to help companies and businesses at different field and level to consult, conduct trainings and mentorship classes with the aim to boost productivity in the growth and development of their company or business. While the other is specifically design to meet the needs of  individuals who just want to improve on themselves in any area of their life, be it in relationship, health, finance, self esteem and family. We have experience and well specialized coaches to handle that in their areas of expertise.

In the aspect of “charity” , I will like I say that, in my few years on earth so far , i have come to understand that love means four letter words, “give”. There is this line from a song which says , “give and it will come back to you “. And I believe in it strongly,  Because why? giving happens every day, every second, every moment and all the time. it’s like a boomerang, it surely comes back to you. So when we go out to give supplies, informations, our time, our service, encouragement, support and friendship, we are also doing it for ourselves too. And all these gives us hope for a better tomorrow. Because when you show an act of love to someone, whether a stranger or not,  you have succeeded in triggering a light in them, having this conciousness that “I too matter” leaving them with something to look forward to, which is hope.

While “the next generation initiative” is the most sensitive part of the organization and so dear to my heart. In this aspect we work with teenagers and young youths basically in secondary schools and Universities. I believe If we are to change the nation, we have to start from it’s grass root, because this is the stage i will like to call the identification stage, where good or bad decisions are going to be made or already made, the stage of finding yourself, searching for direction. which is the more reason we are on a quest to catch them young right from their metamorphosis stage, to groom, guide and mentor them for what is ahead.

How did it all start?

Well, it all started from my blog some years back when I started writing articles and short write-ups which I find positive and filled with useful informations to share. Then I gave it some thought to do more and i decided to bring the blog to life.

Why the name “elan’s world group”, how did you come about it?

(smiles) hmmmm the name was actually coined from my full name, before I got married, that is “Elizabeth Amarachi Ndukwe” which forms “elan” which people calls me too, right from my University days. And I was like , “this name sounds cool and can one day become a brand” , so that was when I decided I will use it in the future for any of my business or company.

Do you see elan’s world group” being global?

Yes of course. That is the goal. To be global , it’s no mistake i added “world” to the name. To be able to reach out and partner with other nations of the world so that together we can achieve and do greater things.

What inspires you?

Life. Life inspires me to be the best I can be everyday. Utilizing every opportunity in it, either investing or impacting, sometimes both. Life is too short to waste you know.

Any words of advice for those wishing to be like you?

I do have alot to tell them , but will be brief .

See guys, i will like you to emulate a belief that actually helped me when I was coming up. The belief that “i have a duty to be a better version of myself each new day”

You can go ahead and tell yourself that.

You have to keep evolving. You are not mearnt to be static, to be ordinary or average.You can do a whole lot if you can just believe that you can do anything , achieve anything and be anything.

I won’t tell you it’s easy, because it’s not. You have to work for it.

If you want it that bad , work for it. And be smart too.

With consistency and hardwork, the sky is just a stepping stone.If I can do it, then you can. Stay positive. Thank you .

It’s been a great time with you ma’am, thanks for coming.

Thanks for having me.

Note: this is actually a make up interview that hasn’t happen yet…….But will certainly come to pass someday.

There is hope!

New day, New opportunities!

Waking up to a new day is a blessing.

Watching the sky as the sun rises, is a beautiful sight to behold.

As long as the sun rises up every morning,

So also rises opportunities everyday.

For each day that passes by,

Same goes for the opportunities you didn’t utilize, passed by.

Which may or may never be recovered.

It’s a new day today, new opportunities awaits.

make it count.

Starting from right now.

Right where you are.

Building Healthy Customer Relationship : key to businesses thriving.

Customers are valuable resources to the progress of any business.

The more value you place or invest in them, the more benefit to the growth of your business.

I once heard that customers are the main bosses in any business establishment.

And I do not disagree,

Think about it for a few seconds,

If there were no customers , would businesses exist?

Be it virtual or physical, who will buy from you?

you can see how important customers are to our survival in business and life in general.


let’s assume you have customers already. Maybe an average number of them.

but how do you ensure you continue to have customers and keep your existing ones?

How do you ensure you remain in business?

Key- Build a healthy Customer relationship

Yes, building a healthy relationship with your customers talks about having a conciousness and being intentional about how your customers are served.

You have to find out if your customers are happy with your products and your services.

Be concern to know what they actually need. It’s not all about them buying from you and you making profit,  but also meeting their needs.

Let them know you care.

Make them feel special and appreciated.

The way you treat your customers will determine if they will do the following:

  • Continue to purchase goods or services from you.

  • Tell others to buy from you.

  • Pay more for your products or services and not easily lured away by cost-cutting competitors.

customers possessing these three traits can successfully be referred to as loyal customers.

Loyal customers are valuable assets to the growth of any establishment.

The only way to keep them being loyal and to get more loyal customers, is by offering good customer services.

Good customer service comes from having a healthy customer relationship.

Having a healthy customer relationship with your customers can never be over emphasized.

Here’s a secret,

When you give your customers more than what they expect and need in the best quality delivery, you have definitely earned their trust to continue to do business with you.

Hope this little info was helpful ?